Sunday, October 29, 2023

Difference between left and right

 (1) Equality vs. Liberty - the more free people are the more inequality there will be. the more freedom you have to work Raj, the greater the inequality at the office as you set yourself apart. When Charlie suppresses your project, he is ensuring equality.

(2) Free Speech vs. Censorship: The left believes some speech should be censored. Some believe some words are objectively bad or do greater harm for the community. The right believes there are no ethics, and thus rights, without free speech. Rights need defending and people to take responsibility which they can't do without free speech. Also hate speech is arbitrary.

(3) Moral Responsibility: The left hold institutions responsible whereas the right holds individuals responsible. Bad stuff comes from corrupted humans whereas the right believe bad stuff comes from human. These stem from differences in human nature.

(4) Feelings are the source of ethics vs God: the left believes people are good so their feels are a great guide of ethics

(5) Rights come from the government: the left believes rights are whatever the people in power or the state say it is whereas the right believes rights come from God or a greater power

(6) The economic goals of society. The left believes in economic equality whereas the right believes in economic prosperity.

(7) Wealth distribution: the left wants to redistrute wealth whereas the right wants to create more

(8) the role of governance: the left believes the gov't ensures equality whereas the right believes the gov't ensures liberty

(9) Who takes care of the family, you and community: the left believes it should be state to take care of humans by ensuring equality. the right believes the individual takes care of ourselves.

(10) Size of government: the left wants a big government and the right believes in small government and big individual

(11) Authority in a child's life: the left believes the state (e.g. the education system) is the primary authority whereas the right believes the the parent is the primary authority

(12) the ideal family: the left believes the ideal family is any group of loving individuals whereas the right believes in the nuclear family. Implicitly the right believes in ideals.

(13) primary categories of human: the left believes the major division between humans is by power reduced to gender, race and class. the right believes in categorizing by moral beliefs.

(14) gender/sex: the left believes gender is a societal construct whereas the right believes sex is in nature

(15) the most important trait for children: the left believes in cultivating self-esteem whereas the right believes in cultivating discipline.

(16) good and evil: the left believes in moral relativism whereas the conservatives believes in moral absolutes

(17) the moral status of America: the left believes America is not a net gain to humanity whereas the right believes America is obviously a positive gain for the world

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